
Brie Thompson


Name: Brie Thompson
Major: Counseling & Human Services, Concentration: Human Development
Year: Class of 2015

Where did you do your internship?
Lackawanna County Office of Youth and Family Services (OYFS)

Time Period for the Internship/ Number of hours?
15-20 hours per week, 200 hours total throughout the Fall 2014 semester.

Responsibilities/Duties as an intern:
As an intern at OYFS my principal placement was with the visitation center where I supervised supportive visitation sessions involving families whose children have been removed from their homes due to instances of child abuse and/or neglect. I was also given the opportunity to shadow caseworkers in various departments of the agency including screening, child protective services, general protective services, permanency and adoption, foster care, independent living, court, and truancy. I also reviewed numerous cases of physical and sexual abuse and become familiar with Child Welfare casework.

Skills you have developed:
It was a beneficial experience to learn about human services casework outside of the classroom. OYFS provided on-site and in-person opportunities for me to grow as a future social worker. I was able to better understand government agencies and how they operate as well as learn about the inner-workings of children and youth services. This internship allowed me to further develop my active listening, interpersonal, and effective communication skills.

Describe the environment:
Office of Youth and Family Services is a very interactive environment. Within the agency, every department is connected and works together to provide services for families in need. 

How has your internship changed you? T
his internship taught me about the numerous opportunities available for social workers and led me to decide on a career path in social work. 

What steps did you take in seeking out this internship?
I attended the internship fair run by the career services department. I also spoke to former interns to learn about their experiences.

Did Career Services help you search for or secure your internship?
Yes! Career Services assisted me with my resume and cover letter as well as interview preparation.

Any recommendations for students looking to start the internship process.
Be open-minded. There are endless opportunities within every agency. The more experience, the better.


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