
ROTC Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus

Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Information

While in school, Army ROTC cadets can earn up to $3,000 per year while earning a minor (18 credits/6 classes) in Chinese, Russian, or Arabic through the Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB). After they graduate, they could earn up to $500/month for their proficiency in one of these enduring languages if they earn a score of 4/4 on the ILR scale. 

 Learn more on the FLPB policy (new tab)

Contact Information

For more information about the ROTC program, contact Lieutenant Colonel Jason Wenger.

Leiutenant Colonel Jason Wenger
Professor and Chair of Military Science Department
MS IV Instructor
Rm 106 Rock Hall | 570-941-7457 ext7


For more information about the World Languages Department, contact Dr. Yamile Silva:

Dr. Yamile Silva
Chair of World Languages and Cultures Department & Professor of Spanish
316 O'Hara Hall

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