
Areas of Practice

Major areas of practice of the OGC include, but are not limited to:

Contracts and Leases

The OGC reviews and prepares a wide variety of contracts including equipment leases, real estate contracts and leases, affiliation agreements for student clinical training, and contracts for personal services. All contracts, leases and agreements that are new to the University or worth more than $2,500 are to be submitted to the OGC for review and approval.

The OGC has also developed certain forms for use by the University community. One has to be filled out and sent with every contract to be reviewed by the OGC. The other has to do with who has the authority to sign agreements on behalf of the University. Those forms are available here:
     Contract Review Request
     Contracting Policy

Employment Law

The OGC counsels and participates in all aspects of the employment process including hiring, discipline and termination of employees, as well as representing the University in employment claims before state and federal regulatory agencies.

Student Matters

The OGC participates as needed in administrative and disciplinary matters involving students. It also provides advice with regard to student activities. Note, the OGC does not provide counsel to students regarding personal legal problems, but there is a contract attorney available through the Dean of Students’ Office with whom students may consult.

University Policies and Procedures

The OGC reviews proposed changes to University policies and procedures such as the various employee and faculty handbooks, the student handbook and the catalogs. The OGC also reviews various federal, state and local laws applicable to University operations.

Intellectual Property

The OGC provides counsel on patent, copyright and trademark matters affecting the University. It works closely with the University’s Office of Research Services on matters involving technology transfer. View the Patent Policy.

Real Estate

The OGC provides assistance with the purchase, sale and lease of real estate. We also provide counsel on other real estate matters such as property tax exemption and environmental matters.

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