
University Governance Council


The University Governance Council (UGC) is one of the representative groups involved in University governance.  The group is comprised of representatives from each of the University's three senates - the Student Senate (Student Government), the Faculty Senate, and the Staff Senate - and is convened by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the University administrator with responsibility for coordinating governance activities.  The Provost serves as a liaison between the UGC and the University's President's Cabinet. Each senate has an administrative liaison to the Cabinet for issues relevant to their individual senate and constituency groups.

The work of the UGC is supported by the Office of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness. The UGC reviews and makes recommendations regarding institutional policies and the University's academic calendar. In addition to this formal role, the UGC serves as a communication venue for broader campus issues, and is intended to build awareness and collaboration between the three representative senates and the administration.

University Governance Council Statement of Purpose

UGC Charge and Membership 

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