
Third Party Access

Third party access allows students to give access to their account to another person, typically to parents. There are two different systems that allow access to several types of information:

  • PROXY access for Student and Financial Aid information (NEW June 2023 - replaces Third Party Access) allows you access to Student Records including Grades, Accounts Receivable information including Tax information, and some financial aid information.
  • Authorized Party Access with Nelnet allows you to access e-bills, make e-payments, set up a payment plan, and print remittance advice to mail payments.
Please review the additional information below for each system:

PROXY access for Student and Financial Aid information

When given access, proxies will be able to review Student Records including grades, Accounts Receivable information including tax information, and some financial aid information. Never share your login information.

Please follow the following steps to authorize and gain access. Students can also reset passwords for proxies (see instructions).

Step 1:  The Student Needs to Authorize Proxy Access

  1. Student logs into my.scranton.edu
  2. On the homepage, find the Manage Your Personal Information card, click on General Information
  3. Click on Proxy Management
  4. Select + Add New (upper right-hand corner)
  5. Fill in information including the email address of your proxy. This will be their account username.
    Note when completing the form:
     - Select Proxy under the Relationship field. 
     - The Start and End Dates can be extended to reflect your student needs. Otherwise, proxies will need to be reissued periodically.
     - The Description and Passphrase are necessary should a proxy wish to discuss authorized information with university staff. Make sure to communicate this information with your proxy.
  6. Select the Authorizations you want your proxy to be able to view. 
  7. Click Submit when done.

Note: Once the authorization email is sent to your proxy, it will only be valid for 5 days.

Step 2. The Proxy Establishes Access

Three emails will be sent to the student and proxy once the student Proxy authorization form has been completed (see Step 1). The proxy must follow these steps to complete the process:

  1. Review your emails (you should have received three).
  2. Click on the link or URL in the first email (subject: New proxy identity).
  3. Use your initial password provided in the second email (subject: New proxy confirmation).
  4. Create a new password.
  5. Complete your profile.
  6. Click Login.

Once your profile is complete, you will be able to access proxy information at using the information you created in Step 2.

Student Instructions for Resetting Passwords

  1. Student logs into my.scranton.edu
  2. On the homepage, find the Manage Your Personal Information card, click on General Information
  3. Click on Proxy Management
  4. Click the pencil icon below the person who needs their password reset
  5. Click Reset Password
  6. A reset password email will be sent to the proxy.

Authorized Party Access with Nelnet Business Solutions

Use Authorized Party Access with Nelnet Business Solutions to access e-bills, make e-payments, set up a payment plan, and print a remittance advice to mail payments. Never share your login information.

Please follow the following steps to authorize and gain access.

1. The Student Needs to Add an Authorized Party:  

  1. Login to the my.scranton portal.
  2. Click on the menu (top left corner) to visit the Students page.
  3. On the Bursar card, select the Nelnet Business Solutions link.
  4. You will be redirected to the Nelnet Campus Commerce Site.
  5. Click on the Add an Authorized Party link in the lower right-hand corner.
    Note: You can have multiple authorized parties. You should set up any individual that you would like to have access to your tuition account as an authorized party. Your parent or guardian has 48 hours to complete the registration process. An e-mail will be sent to the email provided during the authorized party setup. 

2. Accessing the Student Information

Authorized parties will receive a separate username and password to access the billing information through 

Additional Resources

  • Billing And E-Payment FAQ
  • The Form 1098T provides you with your amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses, and the scholarships and grants which may reduce the amount of the education credit you can claim for the specified calendar year. For more information, visit the 1098T FAQ webpage.


  • Important: Students should never share their login information for my.scranton.

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