
Housing Selection Process - Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How do I sign up to participate in the Live Selection processes.
A. Fill out the Housing Intention application on your Housing Portal Page by the announced deadline.

Q. Why does it matter if a student fills out the application on-time?
A. The application helps us to identify housing needs and communicate with students who need housing. Students that do not fill out the application by the deadline and wish to participate in housing selection will not be able to choose housing until all students that met the deadline have selected spaces.

Q. Will students be able to live with roommates who don't fill out the application?
A. Students who have never moved off campus and either didn't fill out the application or fill it out late are still guaranteed housing.  Whenever possible, we try to accommodate housing groups.

Q. Why does Residence Life require the application in advance of the selection process?
A. This emphasis on timely application collection is necessary in order for Residence Life to have an accurate number of students who will require housing. This will allow Residence Life to manage the housing selection process effectively.

Q. Will students be allowed to “squat” or maintain their current residence for the next academic year?
A. No. All rooms will be available in the Lottery and no rooms can be carried over from one year to the next.  The expectation will be students currently living in graduate student housing in the Quincy Avenue and Linden Apartments.

Q. What is the process for the "super seniors" who aren't in a program requiring a 5th year but haven't finished the coursework for a four-year Degree and will require housing for a fifth year?
A. Fifth year undergraduate students will not be differentiated from the traditional 4 year students. They will be treated as seniors in relation to the lottery and all senior housing will be available to them. Housing will be guaranteed to them if they have remained in campus housing throughout their previous four years.

Q. What does the wording guarantee housing for "consecutive years" mean?
It is University policy that housing will be guaranteed for four consecutive years. First-year and sophomores are required to remain on campus. If students select to move off campus their junior year, housing will not be guaranteed to them for their senior year. However, if students who have moved off campus want to move back on and there is availability housing will be offered.

Note: Students, who have moved off campus, will be allowed back on campus if there are enough vacancies in campus housing but housing will not be guaranteed to them.

Q. How are selection times assigned?
A. Selection times are assigned randomly through a computer program. Once times are assigned they are unable to be changed. Please ensure your group leader is available during selection time.

Q. Are there enough rooms for students going through the selection process?
A. Yes, there are enough rooms for all students going through the housing selection process.

Q. What if my first choice of housing is not available?
A. Often times students will not receive their first choice of building. We ask students to plan for at least three other contingencies, aside from their first choice. There are times when students may have to select another building and in some cases split up from their preferred roommate arrangement.

Q. What happens when I have to split up my roommate arrangement?
A. Your group will be placed on a waiting list by time and our staff will work with your group for housing placement.

Q. Are sophomores allowed to live off campus?
A. No, sophomores are not allowed to live off campus. As per the Student Handbook, eligible resident sophomore students who do not sign housing agreements will be assigned to available housing, placed on the 10 meal plan, and will be billed accordingly.

Q. Is assistance available to help me find a roommate or group of people who need another person for their group?
A. Yes, an application will be placed on your housing portal.  You can fill that out and request that your information is shared with other individuals or groups.

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